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This, and that...

Join us on the front porch

Don Mohler

Thanks Mom- Part I

May 10, 2019

By Don Mohler I hope you enjoy this special Mother’s Day edition of This, and that…… We’ve all been there.  From the time we were children, there were just certain times when all we needed was our mom.  Mothers seem to have that unconditional love thing figured out, and so we instinctively knew where to…

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I Love My Phone. I Hate My Phone. Uggh!

May 4, 2019

By Jennifer Lynch, Ph.D. Over Easter weekend, my email password expires.  For a full two days I lose all access to my email.  To make matters worse, every time I try to use my phone, an obtrusive password pop-up impedes my ability to access other content.  Panic ensues. I break out in a cold sweat. …

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Matthews versus Beale: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

April 23, 2019

First of all a disclaimer: I despise the fact that we start our presidential cycle the morning after a new president is elected. That drove me nuts in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, and it’s even worse today in the age of cable news and a 24/7 news cycle. Are we ever going to…

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Education: We Get What We Ask For

March 21, 2019

Guest Commentary: By Jennifer Lynch, Ph.D. America’s education system is failing most of its children.  This is not hyperbole. This is fact. When compared to students around the globe, the United States ranked an abysmal 38th in math and 24th in science.  According to national tests of proficiency, fewer than 40% American students are performing…

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From the Front Porch: And So It Begins

February 26, 2019

And so it begins… By Don Mohler- And we’re off.  Welcome to the inaugural edition of a brand new blog- This, and That… From the Front Porch. Now I can already hear many of you saying, “I just can’t read one more thing. I’m on overload.” I get that, but if you’ll join me on…

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